The small adjustments to Little Mash Boutique

The small adjustments to Little Mash Boutique

Posted by Renata Lardelli on

A global pandemic causes you to scrutinise what you're doing in all aspects of life, you put what you’re doing under a microscope & a realisation eventually comes to place importance on what really matters. We've all spent time adjusting, sacrificing & redirecting.

The bottom line of business is that you have to make money to remain operational and Jeremy & I love this work far too much to quit. We spent hours & hours in our home office planning, analysing & problem solving [psssst, he's a top notch problem solver, a skill I do not possess 🤩]. We concluded that we HAD to adjust if we wanted to be here & that's what I'm here to tell you about - the small adjustments  to Little Mash Boutique!

You've already started to hear about brand releases for Spring & Summer & you might be disappointed to learn that some of those brands won't be coming to LMB. We're very grateful to have worked with some fantastic businesses, all of whom were extremely kind & helpful as I found my way almost 2 years ago.

Data doesn't lie & it's been the target we've had our scope on as we find our new footing in COVID. There will still be clothing but from the brands that perform best & it’s you who has guided us & shown us where we need to be. Our collection of toys & gifts will continue to expand because you’ve told us that you love those things too!

Now feels like the perfect opportunity to remind you of our brand story - this is why we’re here...

"Cacti are resilient and resolute, finding a way to grow despite very little nurturing. They represent endurance, tenacity and strength especially in the face of hard times - surviving even when it seems impossible. Likened to a mother’s unconditional love because of its strength and stamina, cacti are a reminder that you can cope with whatever life and motherhood throws at you, I believe big in the adage - ‘you’re not given anything you cannot handle’!

Like a cacti Little Mash is run with grit and love, it’s much more than the family owned and operated boutique you see at first glance. We exist to support you in pregnancy, motherhood, parenting and as friends and family of little people - striving to bring you quality, value-adding products"

Thank you always for making our Little Mash world spin,

Ren. X


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