You + Me = Us, Little Mash Boutique

You + Me = Us, Little Mash Boutique

Posted by Renata Lardelli on

We took over Little Mash in October 2018, almost two years ago now - where has that time gone?! Rebranding her feels a little like we have our own, fresh, new identity. It was a special project with our friend Deidre of Dru Design & I love how aptly it reflects us; you + me = us!⠀When Deidre pitched me a cactus for our rebrand I'm not going to lie I was a bit 🧐🤔 but once I read the story I'd melted on to the floor. It's so us!

Cacti are resilient and resolute, finding a way to grow despite very little nurturing. They represent endurance, tenacity and strength especially in the face of hard times - surviving even when it seems impossible [insert you, insert motherhood]. Likened to a mother’s unconditional love because of its strength and stamina cacti are a reminder that you can cope with whatever life and motherhood throws at you, I believe big in the adage - ‘you’re not given anything you cannot handle’!

Like a cacti Little Mash is run with grit and love, it’s much more than the family owned and operated boutique you see at first glance. We exist to support you in pregnancy, motherhood, parenting and as friends and family of little people - striving to bring you quality, value-adding products. 

We took over Little Mash in late 2018. It’s me who you will hear from and see the most, I man the store, answers your messages and wraps your orders. Jeremy, my husband works behind the scenes, analyzing spreadsheets, future planning & carrying the heavy boxes. And then there are our three little boys – Eli, Sebastian and Xavier who cheer us on from the sidelines. For over a decade I’ve been a paediatric nurse and midwife - feel free to pick my brain or flick me a message.

And remember - you can do hard things!



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