Caring for your Frigg pacifiers

The younger your child is, the more important it is to protect them from bacteria and viruses and maintain a good pacifier hygiene. This is partly due to the fact that a young child’s immune system doesn’t mature until they are 3-4 months old. Continue reading to learn how to properly care for your Frigg pacifiers to ensure an effective clean without compromising their structural integrity.
Pacifier cleaning - step by step:
- Put the pacifier in a clean bowl
- Pour with boiling water
- Let the pacifier soak for approximately 5 minutes
- Pick up the pacifier and let it dry
- Squeeze excess water out of the pacifier when it has cooled down sufficiently
Caution! Do not boil the pacifier in a pot. Frigg pacifiers are not meant to be boiled and will be ruined by the high heat.
Pacifier cleaning - how often?
Premature babies, infants, and babies up to 3 months old:
The pacifier should be cleaned with hot water every time it has been dropped on the floor. In addition, the pacifier should be cleaned with boiling water at least once a day.
Babies older than 3 months:
Rinse the pacifier once a day under hot water and rinse it under cold water if it has been dropped on the floor.
Pacifier storage
Dirt will cause a lot of wear and tear on the pacifier, and therefore it is a good idea to store it in a clean and dry place. When you are on the move, the pacifier should be stored in a protective pacifier case.
Pacifier replacement - how often?
No matter how much you clean and care for your pacifier, it is important to replace it in time. Pacifiers must be replaced after 4-8 weeks of use.

This blog post has been adapted from Frigg's website, you can read their care guide in full HERE & you can shop the Frigg range available with us HERE at LMB