Five ways to start your day off right

Five ways to start your day off right

Posted by Renata Lardelli on

Lots of us will head back to work this week, schools & early child facilities re-open & we get a bit of life back again. It's great but a little daunting too - I've become accustomed to the slow & lazy days but I believe big in starting the day out right so here's how to start a healthy morning routine;

1. Get up an hour earlier - I first learned this from a lady at Church & I'm no morning person but it sure sets the tone for the day & gives me uninterrupted time to get things done. Everyday I try to meditate & study, sometimes I work, other days exercise or sometimes I just take a really long hot shower. On the days I miss it & wake at the same time (or after) the boys I'm on the back-foot. Give it a try!

2. Hydration - We know that we're supposed to drink roughly 2 litres of water daily, I achieve this best by carrying a drink bottle & drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning. We're naturally a little dehydrated after hours of sleep so a glass of water first thing in the morning is a great wake up call!

3. Stay off technology - This one sounds easier than it is because technology is a lot like sugar, ADDICTIVE! It's also bombarding, can cause overstimulation & it's time-consuming. I used to just roll over and mindlessly scroll & be sucked into a vortex of social media & those bad habits have overtaken a little during lockdown but I'm getting back on track! We have a device free bedroom overnight, our iPhones sit on a charging system in our kitchen & I try really hard not to go on mine after 9.30pm. I used to use mine as an alarm clock but using a good old fashioned alarm clock is much better. Another tip is to turn your phone on airplane mode until it is time for work 

4. Breakfast - You know the saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" but it's also sometimes my only meal of the day until dinner so I don't miss it. You want to start your day fuelled just like you keep your car full of petrol keep yourself fuelled & prepared breakfast foods. I'll eat a hot breakfast if Jeremy is cooking otherwise I'm a muesli & yoghurt gal!

5. Move your body - I underestimated how important this was until I started to do it. I'm still not fit but I am a little crippled - I have a bad neck, back & hip so about a year ago I started walking & doing yoga. The habit still hasn't cemented but I can feel it when I don't do it. My preference is to workout in the morning because the likelihood of it happening as the day progresses becomes less & less. The benefits of regular exercise are endless & extend well beyond the physical, it helps to manage stress & when I get home I can relax (...I mean once the boys are in bed). The day I go to yoga at 6am is always a better day than the day I didn't.

So if you're about to get back into work like me on Monday try implementing these into your routine & report back - I'd love to hear if they help you or what else you do to start your day off right!

Ren. X

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash



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