Happy Mothers Day ♡
I plan on not lifting a finger today - is that bad?! Happy Mother's Day ♡
My boys specialise in brioche French toast so I imagine that will be served any second before we put on our Sunday best & tottle off to Church. We take a 'restful' approach to Sundays, there's lots of snacks, movies & naps. Jeremy has a Sunday roast planned, yum & I hope to read my book & get an early night.
It's my wish that you've spent a few minutes today doing something that you enjoy, that people who love you have taken a moment to show gratitude for your presence in their life. And if you've ever questioned your purpose I want you to know that you're supposed to be here.

I'm no fashionista - a jeans & sneakers gal at heart but where I can I've been trying to purchase clothing items that will last & slowly build a capsule wardrobe of pieces that I love. Items can be worn more than one way {dressed up or down, worn on top or underneath, worn frontwards or backwards, with sneakers or without}. A capsule wardrobe is typically made up of 20-40 high-quality, interchangeable separates. In short, every piece “goes” with every other piece. You aren’t limited to only certain outfits because each piece is interchangeable and goes with all the other pieces. Here's some tips on getting started;
- Empty your closet & look at what you already have, keep what you love & sell or donate the rest. Be ruthless!
- Start an inspiration board or a list on your phone, the idea is to end up with 3-40 interchangeable pieces that fit & flatter
- Purchase quality items, these will last longer & save you money in the long run.
- Once you have your piece use a wardrobe planning tool, it will help you sort & make sense of your pieces as you go
I hope this serves as inspiration to live this - "the only way enjoy your favourite things is to only own your favourite things".
Ren. X