Your Baby Bag Checklist
We meet new & expectant mums frequently who've popped in to perve on our Nappy Bags, they hum & they haw while we point out all the options & features. I was gifted my first nappy bag when I had Eli, the design was much like the beautiful Milan Baby Bag except it wasn't leather or black - it was synthetic & metallic silver {it was as ghastly as you're imagining}. By the time I had Seb I'd purchased another bag also designed much like the Freddie bag but again, it wasn't leather & it didn't stand the test of time. If I was to have my time again I would have saved up for a leather bag or that's what I would have asked for as a baby shower gift - something friends & family could chip in on. Some may find that a little forward but I'm in the market of selling baby shower gifts & 90% of the time they just wish you'd told them exactly what you wanted or needed.
Just like my Hospital Bag Checklist I still believe less is more so here are my 5 must haves;
- Nappies, wipes, wet bag or plastic bag - You'll have your favourite nappies - my personal favourite were Rascals + Friends, they were the only ones they didn't leak for us. I'm aware how unfriendly these are to the environment & I'm also aware of the commitment involved for reusable nappies {I've done it part-time} so there is no judgement here just advice to always travel with 3 & to stash them in your glovebox too!
- 1 change of clothes - you don't need 3 changes, trust me! 1 set is enough, otherwise you're just adding more into the black hole & making it harder to find your car keys in a hurry
- Hand sanitiser - Never leave home without this, there are many on the market now so search for one that suits your budget, an alcohol-based one is best
- A muslin wrap or baby blanket - ditch the change mat, they're really not necessary & a wrap or blanket will do the trick. It will also save you time & time again acting as a burp cloth, sun cover, floor mat, even stepping up to be clothing if I was wrong & you in-fact needed a second change of clothes.
- Snacks & a water bottle - these are for you, because we need you well fed & well hydrated. Nuts, fruit & of course our lactation bars will keep the gap filled. Did you know that you should aim to drink 4L of water daily if you're breastfeeding?! So, a 1L or 1.5L bottle would be a great size
- Worthy mentions - Breastpads, I've had many embarrassing moments so maybe include a pair of these. A pad or panty liner, especially if you're very early postpartum because bleeding can be sneaky & rare its head once you thought it's stopped in those first 6 weeks. Nappy cream, incase any rashes manifest while you're out. And a wrap carrier - I'm a big fan of these, this wouldn't be in my baby bag though I'd already be wearing it in preparation to eliminate any fussing around when I need it.
I'd love you to weigh in, what have I missed off the list?