Easy ways to celebrate Valentines Day with kids

In addition to scheduling a dinner date or buying chocolates for your significant other, consider showering your children with a dose of extra attention this Valentine’s Day.


  1. Send them to school with a Valentines themed lunchbox - this needn't be too difficult or time consuming. Chop up a red or pink fruit (think berries, apples, plums, watermelon etc), slice the crusts of a sandwich in the shape of a heart + shake some sprinkles over freshly made popcorn. If your school allows drink options, a box of strawberry flavoured milk will go down a treat!
  2. Let them know your love is with them all day - by tucking little paper hearts with love notes into their backpack, lunch, jacket pocket, bed etc for them to find throughout the day. If your child is not quite at a reading age, these Hide and Seek Kisses or Cuddles are a fun game to play around the house + make a great Valentines Day gift.
  3. Random act of kindness - Paint hearts and simple phrases such as “you are special” or “you matter” and stick them in letter boxes, around your neighbourhood or local park. Can you think of someone in your family or friend circle that could use some love? Cover their front door with hearts and personalised messages to show them you care. 


  • Order or DIY a heart shaped pizza for dinner
  • Share your love story while looking through photo albums
  • Leave a small treat on their pillow to discover after school - a box of chocolates, flower bouquet, toy or our free printable coupons
  • Decorate cookies and deliver them to friends
  • Prepare a special treat for a pet
  • Book a family photoshoot
  • Read books about love at bedtime
  • Send them to school in matching red or pink outfits
  • Teach a short lesson about giving compliments or how to be a good friend
  • Have a 'red' themed dinner
  • Film a sentimental video
  • Bake a cake together and share it for dessert
  • Do some service or find a local volunteering project you can participate in as a family
  • Make friendship bracelets and gift to friends
  • Pop on a playlist full of love songs and waltz and dance around the house
  • Go on a picnic
  • Pick them up from school early and take them on a Mama + Me date - read our date ideas HERE
  • Make cards and send them in the mail
  • Squeeze in a kid-friendly romantic movie before bed with lots of treats
  • Take turns sharing things you love about each other during dinner
  • Have fun with your child with some special love-themed games - such as pin the heart on cupid, musical hearts or cupids arrow toss

Tania of LMB. x

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